I’ve been pretty well KO’ed by sinus mess for a week and a half or so now… sucks! I think it’s behind me now, though.
Here’s a few quick updates…
Doll Leia – got the bottom and top made, the top needs to be fixed (one side hangs funny, need to pick it out and do it again), and needs the cuffs added. I want to try to finish it this week.
Marasiah – haven’t done anything.
WW – got all my leather, cut out the pieces for the corset, cut out parts of it wrong, had to order more leather, now I’m skittish to continue LOL. Chase has been working on my wings and shinguards, and says my helmet is almost ready to be cast.
Boushh – got my muslin of the top put together, it needs a little more work. Chase primered my helmet the other night, and got my shoulder armor put together. I found fabric for my boot covers, too.
Chase’s stuff…
Jango – got his jumpsuit put basically together. Need to add the sleeves, collar, and zipper. Then start on his vest.
Han – Shirt put together basically… needs sleeves and collar, and buttons. I got the jacket pieces cut out, but haven’t started on it yet.
We went out to the woods and took some pics of my Ewok Dress — we were out there for maybe 10 minutes, and I got 15 mosquito bites. Chase got 1. what the heck, its not fair! But, it was worth it because I love these pics.
This first one was my favourite:

Kes the ewok. She didn’t mind wearing the little hat, she was just too interested in lights and shadows and birds while we were outside and didn’t want to stay there for photos.